Review: Klipsch T5 True Wireless

I really want these earplugs to be good!

Klipsch likes it best when the music is thrown into the listener's face. It also happens here, but we have to make some reservations.

Published 1 October 2020 - 10:20 am
Klipsch T5 True Wireless
Geir Nordby

When it comes to the ability to entertain, few are above or beside Klipsch. Their speakers ooze rock factor, while being very versatile in music style. They are world famous for their horn speakers, and use horn treble for almost everything.

Since horn elements do not exist for headphones that I know of, Klipsch still has to rely on regular drivers here. Still, you have managed to get much of the same fun and commitment, not least with the expensive top model HP-3.

Earplugs are a new water for the famous speaker manufacturer, who wants to show what you can do with the top model Klipsch T5 True Wireless.

The first thing I notice is the elegant aluminum charging case, which draws associations to the famous Zippo lighter. Only lower and significantly thicker. It is the most beautiful case I have seen for this type of earplugs, with smooth and soft curves and very trustworthy weight. Gorgeous. Klipsch tops it by offering personal engraving, if you order from their website.

There is no app for the T5, so you have to take what you get when it comes to sound. There is an app on the way, but when it will come we do not know.

Eight hours of battery life in the earplugs themselves and 25 extra in the case is very respectable. When it comes to adaptation, however, I have problems with the earplugs protruding too far from the ears. Too small pillows, like the ones that sit on in the box, do not seal properly with me, and the houses weigh down and threaten to tip out of the ear at any time. The largest pillows, on the other hand, fit better. Still, I’m not entirely happy with the fit.

Photo: Klipsch

The sound of the Klipsch T5 True Wireless

To connect the earbuds, select the right plug in the list of Bluetooth devices. The connection is otherwise fine.

I get carried away by the sound, which is full of energy. Especially electric guitars are reproduced with such a push, that it feels as if I have implanted a Marshall amplifier into the skull! This pulls! It is also very liberating, after missing midrange energy from previous candidates, that one suddenly brings out the tones in this important area.

When the enthusiasm for the energetic joy of the game has subsided, I notice that it gets a little hard. Especially on pieces of music with prominent vocals, it is in the sharpest layer. And isn’t it a little slim in the bass? Yes, definitely.

In the treble range, sibilants get too much attention, so ss become hard, and cymbals also bite extra. In excess of a lot. Hip hop vocals get too nasal, female voices fussy and a piano tunes as it is played through a PA amplifier.

According to Klipsch, an app is on its way, and then an EQ function is expected, among other things, which will be able to solve a number of problems with the sound. But as it is now, this sound is “too particularly interested”.

The call quality is also nothing further to write home about. “It sounds like you’re sitting inside a box,” has been mentioned up to several times.


Klipsch T5 True Wireless oozes rawness, and the case in “Zippo lighter metal” gives an almost unheard of great quality impression. I really want these earplugs to be good!

To begin with, I also get carried away. The super-energetic midrange never gets boring, and this is an important tonal range where there is a lot of goodies from voices and instruments. And no one should touch Klipsch with the joy of playing.

Unfortunately, it gets too hard and harsh, the bass is not quite big enough to follow up, and the harmonic area sharpens. Even with low-key, delicate music, it tears too much in the ears. The call quality is not impressive either.

Sometimes it can simply be too much.

Klipsch T5 True Wireless

We think

Energetic midrange, lots of dynamics. Fantastically satisfactory charging case. Coarse-grained and fairly sharp sound.

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